Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR


Personalities of the scientific Dubna

The museum holds a regular historical and scientific seminar within which a series of lectures "The History of Discoveries - the Authors speak" and "Personalities of the scientific Dubna" are organized. These series of lectures are designed to personalize the history and comprehend contribution of the JINR in the development of world science. What distinguishes the usual lecture about the discovery of the authors from a story of these discoveries? At some point, the lecturers put aside the fact that you can read in the textbooks, and start to talk about their experiences in person.

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April 2013 - Seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.Dzhelepov

For 33 years, from 1956 to 1989 , he headed the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the JINR, which was later named after him.

Researches of V.Dzhelepov are devoted to nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and accelerator technology . He participated in the construction of the first Soviet synchrocyclotron in Dubna. Also he worked on the application of nuclear physics to medicine: for his initiative work on proton beam therapy began in Dubna.

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March 2013 - Seminar on the 100th anniversary of the birth of G.Flerov

On this day those who knew this eminent scientist well and had worked with gathered in the museum. Viewing of the documentary film "Bomb of Academician Flerov" became an addition to their memoirs.

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Winter 2012 - Seminar dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Dubna physicist B.Neganov.

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October 2011- Seminar dedicated to the memory of Professor A.Tyapkin

The original scientist, bright, original man who never betrayed his principles, endowed with a keen sense of justice, nutty and just looking forward to the new, the unknown - so he was remembered by his colleagues, friends, relatives who shared their memories at the seminar.

Speakers at the seminar I.Vasilevski, I.Savin, V.Vishnjakov, S.Bunyatov, B.Neganov, V.Komarov and others spoke about the great contribution of A.Tyapkin to the theoretical and experimental science, about his work style and communication. Participants of the seminar behind the friendly tea drinking remembered his love for alpine skiing, his role in the creation of Dubna water ski section, participation in the organization of philosophical conference "Science and Religion" and active interest in art.

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April 2011 - Seminar on the life and work of E.O.Okonov

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher and head of sector of the Laboratory of High Energies (LHE), E.O. Okonov is known for his work in the field of anti-gravity research, studies strongly excited matter, quark- search glyuonovoy plasma in nuclear collisions, study of relativistic hypernuclei, strange and charmed multiquark states, as well as the development of detection systems and rapid processes.

The seminar was attended by members of the Council of the Museum of JINR (Chairman - E.Shabalin and the staff of many laboratories of the Institute).

H.Vardenga, V.Lyuboshits, L.Barabash, M.Anikin, B.Barbashov, and Savin, V.Nikitin, A.Shooters, V.Komarov, A.Volod'ko acted with memories of working and communicating with E.Okonov, assessment and analysis of trends and the results of his research activities

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October 2010 - Seminar devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.Meshcheryakov

The corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the outstanding experimental physicist, the talented organizer, the supervisor of the creation of the first accelerator in Dubna, one of the founders of the city and of the Institute.

G.Ososkov, B.Barbashov, V.Schegolev, E.Shabalin, Y.Tumanov and other employees of JINR acted with memories of M.Meshcheryakov. The participants watched a documentary film on life and works of M.Meshcheryakov.

Photos from the seminar are in the section "Photogallery".

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February 2010 - Seminar dedicated to J.Ostanevich

He is known and respected in the field of nuclear methods in solid state physics. He was the supervisor of the study of condensed matter at the IBR-30, and then at the IBR-2. Under his leadership and with the direct participation unique experimental facilities were created. About him, about his scientific heritage told his colleagues, students, friends.
His colleagues, students, friends told about him, about his scientific heritage.

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October 2009 - Seminar dedicated to the memory of S.Polikanov

V.Karnaukhov acted with memories.

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January 2009 - Seminar dedicated to F.Shapiro

A prominent physicist, professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, USSR State Prize, co-discoverer of "retention phenomenon of slow neutrons."

A leading specialist in the field of nuclear and neutron physics, reactor physics.

In memoirs of M.Luschikov and A.Strelkov.

Photos from the seminar are in the section "Photogallery".

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