Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR


Scientific work

The museum is working on the study, preservation and popularization of the history of the achievements of the Institute's scientists.

The museum holds a regular historical and scientific seminar within which a series of lectures "The History of Discoveries - the Authors speak" and "Personalities of scientific Dubna" are organized.

At present time work is underway to create memorial offices directly at JINR Laboratories where outstanding scholars worked.
In particular, the archives of D.Blokhintsev and D.Mescheryakov are systematized.

The Museum has prepared the thematic booklets devoted to the museum, history of discoveries and prominent figures of JINR:
"A booklet of Museum", "How do openings born", "King-accelerator", "Genesis".

Researcher of the museum A.Rastorguev regularly publishes articles in city and regional newspapers, literary and artistic portals.

The staff of the Museum participate in conferences on museology, and meetings of the Association of scientific and technical museums of the Russian Committee of the International Council of museums.
With the report "On the peculiarities of the cultural landscape of the Institute's part of Dubna" the representative of the Museum made a speech at the VII scientific and technical conference "History of technology and museology" (Polytechnic Museum, 2010).


The Museum was one of the organizers of the first city's historical and regional conference "The History of the ancient and modern town of Dubna", held in December 2011.

Researcher of the museum A.Rastorguev acted with the report "The first discoveries in the history of JINR", which was dedicated to the first discoveries made at JINR in the late 1950s and early 1960s., in the further history of the Institute.

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