Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR


Council of the Museum

Council of the museum of 22 participants - employees of JINR and other city organizations - has been formed and meets regularly:

Photos from the meetings of the Council are in the section "Photogallery".

Chairman of the Council :
Shabalin Evgeny

Members of the Council:
Barbashov Boris (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)
Blokhintsev Tatyana (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems)
Vardenga Heinrich (Advisor to the Directorate of JINR)
Efimova Valentina (Museum)
Kavalerova Nadezhda (Museum)
Malov Leonard Alexandrovich (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)
Molchanov Evgeny (editor of the weekly newspaper "Dubna")
Nikitin Vladimir (Laboratory of High Energies)
Ososkov Gennady Alekseevich (Laboratory of Information Technologies)
Pose Rudolf (Laboratory of Information Technologies)
Rastorguev Alexander(Museum)
Skryl Igor (Laboratory of Information Technologies)
Simkin Valery (Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics)
Starchenko Boris (Management)
Strelkov Alexander (Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics)
Shafranov Maria (Laboratory of High Energies)
Shchegolev Vladislav (Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics)

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